Impulse 42: Support for your Physical Body - Healer - Claudia Leandra König

Claudia Leandra König
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Impulse 42: Support for your Physical Body

There are days when you can only be very loving with yourself because everything else upsets you and your body hurts. The adjustment of the body to the love energy can trigger heavy processes of transformation. This results in various reactions from inner conflicts to pains. In Impulse 1 Ascension in the last phase of the countdown No. 4 I described what you can do against the afflictions. In the following you will find further explanations and valuable support.
1. General
It is possible that several afflictions occur at the same time – in most cases only shortly and quickly – and old centres of an illness flare up again shortly. If these are not recognized as light body symptoms, you may be sent from one doctor to the next, nobody may find the reason for the afflictions and you are sent home with psychotropic drugs. In case of heavy transformations it is possible that the medication is not effective at all or not as effective as before. However, it is always good to give the physical body some rest and doing something good for yourself.

2. Afflictions (Examples)
  • In the area of the head: A short whistling in the ear is often an indication of the energy being adjusted. This is comparable to a computer having received an update. This can always happen when another wave of love has hit the Earth. In case of a toothache: Teeth stand for decisions and their message is that you should become active and realize your desires. In addition, the teeth have a connection to organs - toothache can therefore be a clue that the tooth not needs help, but the corresponding organ. In case of greater transformations there is a possibility of headaches.
  • Respiration: Breathing problems can arise in a way as if you have the feeling of not getting enough air. This is comparable to hiking on high mountains where the air is getting thinner.
  • Digestion: The physical body agrees less and less with animal source food and there are various afflictions as a result in the entire physical body. Please read also Nutrition.
  • The entire physical body: If a great deal of energy flows into the physical body it is possible that the body begins to shiver – as if it is freezing.
  • Exhaustion: Any activity which disagrees with the heart can be very stressful. However, the resistance in case of disagreeable things can quickly be finished and we are looking for a path that is better suitable for us.  
  • Inner conflicts: The love energy brings every old burden to the surface and polishes it. Please read also Impulse 18 Tolerance as a Bridge to Freedom No. 2. These are hard times for the ego, for it has to pass the leadership on to the heart.
  • Sexuality: Our inner woman and inner man (each of us has both within) want to be in harmony. This results in a different sexual behaviour and can appear in the beginning with intensive sexual experiences: in a dream or actually. Then it is possible that conditionings from our upbringing from all our incarnations come up in order to be let go. It is up to you whether you want to live this story again, or whether you write your own story.

3. Help for you
  • Sing and listen to music, this is going to clean your energy field.
  • Connect with the centre of Mother Earth. In doing so, visualize a cord from you to Mother Earth which nourishes and holds you.
  • Lie onto the floor and feel the strength of Mother Earth.
  • Hug a tree.
  • You are always connected with the Source by means of your breath! Count your breathing in. Start with 0, count up to any number and back again. Doing so visualize being connected with the Source and somebody is holding your hand. This is calming you down.
  • Practise pranic breathing. There are a lot of techniques. For example: Breathing in visualize energy flowing from above through the centre of your head to your heart. Breathing out this energy is spread in your entire body. Then visualize breathing in again that the energy of Mother Earth is flowing through your feet to your heart. Breathing out the energy is spread in your entire body. You can also let the energy flow from above and below into you at the same time. Follow your intuition.
  • Keep in mind that there is no problem by accident. Although often the problem is not the problem. The problem is our attitude towards our problem. Change your perspective.
  • Separate yourself clearly from things you do not want.
  • Old things have to go so that new things will find a place. Learn to let go of that which is  no longer beneficial for you.
  • Do not treat yourself so hard.
  • Speak out loudly “I am good”, “I love myself”.
  • Think of beautiful experiences or of something funny.
  • Visualize standing underneath a waterfall which washes off all negative things.
  • Ask the spirits or your energetic companions to hug you and allow yourself feeling safe and secure in their energy. At the same time it is possible that all of sudden you see eyes “hanging” in the air. One or more. This is an excerpt of your companions. These may be human eyes, alien eyes or animal eyes (from your spirit animal) or from your true self. If you see them, calm down, they want to show you that they love you very much and that you are not alone.
  • Connect with your true self (your Higher Self) and ask for the energy that you need right now.

You are always loved by the spirits, by our galactic family and by your energetic companions. Always, no matter what you do. They do not judge.
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