Impulse 1: Ascension in the last phase of the countdown - Healer - Claudia Leandra König

Claudia Leandra König
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Impulse 1: Ascension in the last phase of the countdown

We are in for an incredibly radiating, deeply fulfilling and heartwarming future. An existence which is characterized by love, abundance, appreciation, evolvement and mutual trust. The means to get there is called ascension, which is a rise in energy of the planet and of the human beings. The process itself is highly complex, which is the reason for me only picking some aspects in order to give you impulses about what is happening right now on Earth. As a basic statement I chose: Everything is always connected. Nothing can exist all by itself and nobody has come onto the earth alone. No action or forbearance is without consequence. One idea alone can change the world completely and when many human beings get new ideas, everything is going to change. So, in the first place there is the idea and then there is the action. And now is the time of action.
1. What does dimension mean?
The term dimension in the context of spirituality means somebody's or something's consciousness. Every living thing that ever existed somewhere (no matter in which universe), is classified by its level of consciousness. This is similar to a school system: You start with grade 1 and the higher you get the cleverer or rather the more conscious you become. The Earth and the human beings living on it are at the end of the third class or 3rd dimension with a soon-to-be goal: the 5th dimension. All timelines will melt together, also the 4th dimension: the astral area in which the death exists. Changing to a higher dimension is called ascension. However, the expressions turn of eras, Golden Age, shift in consciousness, New Age etc. are also used. The 3rd dimension's attributes are: when entering the 3rd dimension (that is at birth) the soul forgets everything and the consciousness is asleep, good and evil – predominant in duality - is experienced. We have now thoroughly gone through this and in countless incarnations we have voluntarily gained all imaginable experiences. The 5th dimension love is at the helm and negativity of all kinds cannot exist any longer. Our task at hand is to clear out all previous things in order to be able to change from the state of sleeping to the state of being awake. The state of being awake is also called divine reality which is going to supersede the illusion which is experienced in duality.

2. Orderer of the ascension
Mother Earth has wanted the ascension, who is also called Terra or Gaia. The ascension is supported by the Source of Creation (God), as Mother Earth does not have enough energy. Energy in this case means light and love in their highest intensity for both of them are expressions of the same energy. In order to be able to send energy onto the Earth the Source needs channels which it can send the energy through. These channels are the human beings. Each human being has a divine core (=the soul) and consciously or unconsciously supports this process with it. The more spiritual a human being is, that is the more open his heart is, the more energy is being blown through him. Thus not only Mother Earth receives energy but also the human being. The rise in energy that is in vibration, however, does not take place from one day to another, for the pressure would be too high. It is rather a process that lasts many years and that is going to end in the near future. Each soul which is on Earth at this moment did not fall onto the Earth by accident in order to see what is going on here. Each soul has consciously incarnated in this time in order to be involved in this particular event, but also in order to settle possible old scores (=to relieve karma) and to assist. Only, it cannot remember it.

3. Individual Ascension
There will be no point in time in which Mother Earth and all beings living here will ascend collectively. In fact, there will be a period of time which will be extensive enough for everybody to be able to ascend. Each human being will ascend individually in his own pace and according to his own development of consciousness. Primarily the ascension is a cleansing process for Mother Earth by which she will shake off all the dark energies which have been brought onto her by the human beings and by which the magnetic grid of the Earth will change.

For the human beings, however, the ascension is an inner process in the first place. A process of letting go, of surrender, of understanding, of redemption and of tolerance. With the help of the new energies we understand more and more and we are getting more and more conscious about the consequences of our actions and non-actions and also about the fact that fulfillment and justice will not come when we go on the way we have done so far. We will begin thinking differently and those who think differently will act differently, too. This means that everything is going to change, for in each field we have messed up so many things that we have to change a lot and we will – this has started a long time ago. However, we are not alone in this. We are being supported by the spirits and by our galactic family across the dimensions. And they give us immeasurable thanks and love us deeply because of what we have accomplished so far.

4. Effects of the Ascension on the Body
Our physical body is a true marvel and the greatest miracles are still to come. It consists of many cells, which renew themselves permanently in differing pace. Thus a new body is formed after several years on a regular basis. In the process it adapts to its environment and its conditions. Therefore the time of the ascension is very straining for it, for it adjusts itself to the new energies and the cells expand energetically.

In this process each cell is massively being filled up with light, in fact continuously increasing. Additionally the body is cleansing itself with all its might from poisonous substances that were given to it and more. This can provoke a multitude of symptoms, which are identical to conventional ailments. In contrast to an illness no medical diagnosis is found, which means that there is no medical cause. For example you have a tooth ache without the teeth or the teeth ridge being damaged or you having a cold.

These ailments are called light body symptoms, vibration flu, cell muscle ache etc. In the following you can find an exemplary listing: Headache, breathing problems, dizziness, ear stitch, whistling sounds in the ears, visual snow, worse sight, worse hearing, toothache, twitching, nausea, bones and joint pains, stitches, tingling in hands and legs, hurting feet, fatigue, hot sensation, increased hunger or no hunger at all, great thirst, dark urine, nondescript pains, digestive problems, being unable to cope, exhaustion, uneasiness, being on edge etc. This is what you can do:

  • Grounding: eat, drink and sleep sufficiently, rest periods
  • visualize excessive energy away: envisage a hole at the hurting part of the body and picture the excessive energy pouring out of this hole like a waterfall
  • Consciously connect with Mother Earth and give excessive energy to her
  • Imagine your body being a river and everything is flowing
  • In the case of toothache: chew cloves and then spit them out
  • Foot soak with sea salt or swim in the sea
  • Imagine with every breath you take that you breathe out the pain
  • Breathe calmly and consciously
  • Go often into nature
  • Drink much water (not carbonated)
  • Pay attention to your nutrition: prefer fruits and vegetables
  • Reduce energy thieves, because they worsen symptoms (drugs, nicotine, alcohol, caffeine, sugar, meat - please read nutrition)
  • Hold yourself centered: imagine an anchor in your heart which you can hold onto
  • Let go of what burdens you
  • Listen to harmonic music, sounds support the inner process
  • Laugh, dance, sing, be joyful, calm down, meditate, pray
  • Allow love and bathe within
  • Continuously rise your energy, so that it has the same vibration as Mother Earth
  • Go to an energy spiritual healer
As an explanation: The energy enters the body at your crown, is to circulate within your entire body and part of it is to flow into the ground. The energy has to flow.

5. Life in the Divine Reality (5th Dimension) and the Way to get there
There is no master plan how we will live, which feelings we will have doing this or which structures we will decide on. It is up to us how we will design something and how we will express the values love, truth, freedom and justice. Our possibilities will be endless and our capacities will grow enormously in a way that is still unknown to us. It is however definite that it will surpass all that we have experienced in our existence on earth so far: A life in great harmony with oneself and with everything else, embedded in a great diversity of human existence and gorgeous nature. Examples how changes can come about more or less until the general ascension or are already in the course of coming about:

  • The ”I“ becomes ”we“ without giving up your individuality
  • Worldwide pacification, as war cannot exist any longer
  • Truth replaces the saying: ”the thief is shouting: stop that thief”, for gradually we will experience truth in all respects
  • Cooperative dedication for the benefit of all will replace ”maintaining power by suppression” and acting responsibly will prevail
  • Noble values like responsibility, compassion, honesty are practised
  • True freedom replaces the fetters, which bind humanity
  • Free energy supply will be a new element of the power industry
  • Communication will become more friendly and will take place on the basis of mutual respect, benevolence and appreciation
  • Humanness will prevail and profit maximisation will become less important
  • Life will slow down and simpleness will become more attractive
  • The circle of health-damaging elements will be brought to an end and the health care industry's dogma will be dissolved
  • The human body will become energetically more permeable; energy healing techniques will help even more to increase the self-healing powers. There will be more (energy/spiritual) healers, mass healings and miracles will take place
  • Man will discover and use his spiritual capabilities. He will be at home in his body, live in the here and now and will be more present
  • Increase of our own compassionate abilities which will trigger the development of new occupational fields and old ones will be replaced by ”spirit creates matter”
  • Enhancement of our own sensory skills and awareness and discovery of our own creative qualities
  • Our feelings will change and negative feelings will diminish
  • Our male and female part will be balanced as we all have both parts within us
  • Working will become joy and will replace the jobs that serve to sustain life
  • Reunion with our galactic family, who will land on Earth and meeting with our inhabitants from Inner Earth
  • Our newly discovered multidimensional capacities will enable journeys to other planets, to universes and on motherships
  • Wondrous occurrences and coincidences

I admit that some of this may sound like a fairytale for newcomers, however, from the divine reality's perspective we are experiencing the end and the last struggle of a sad fairytale and we are allowed to bring the whole thing to an end. This means that the Earth will change her program from drama to romance, but this does not work like pushing another program switch on the television set and the new program is running. It is not that easy here on Earth. We have to do something for this. And the more human beings do something the easier it will be for us all. So let us begin with bringing love into everything we do and when everybody does it, everything is going to change and we will reach the mark more quickly.

6. Comments as to the changes
Only a few changes will take place smoothly, for those who have an advantage of the old system are spoilsports and the bigger the area to change is, the more resistance will develop for everything is associated and this is normal. In our case it is not only a small part that needs changing, but we need revision, clearing out and realignment onto the highest good of everyone in all areas and each one of us is involved. The advantage in this matter is that the systems we use presently did not simply fall down from heaven like meteorites and we have to put up with them, but we created them ourselves. And that which we created can also be changed by us. In this regard a quote from my book Entschlüsselung der Motivation (Fathoming Motivation-book is not available in English):

”Change does not come about, when we eternally overload existing structures. Change comes about
when we bravely clear out the existing and complete it with new streamlined basic rules.

Otherwise our efforts to lead a satisfying life are nothing else than
putting fresh strawberries on a rotten cake and then simply assume that it is going to be tasty.”“

Where does the journey take us? An incredibly radiating, deeply fulfilling and heartwarming future is in store for us. We should never forget this and we should always focus on this goal. Here it is good to accurately and intensively visualize something, to aim at it and indulge in it, for this energy feeds the collective consciousness and has positive effects on the global development. And: here trust is the most important thing.

Is it possible to have such an extensive new beginning in the first place? The conditions for it have been met, for never has the worldwide desire for peace been greater. And yes, a new beginning is going to be achieved, because Mother Earth has decided together with the Source on the “whether” and we, the human beings, only decide on the “how”. This means whether the path will be bumpy or only refreshing for us, for it is up to our involvement to meddle, to contribute and to create together. Because of the massive radiation especially in December 2012 we are fortunately now in a high vibration (however globally not yet in the final vibration). According to the spirits our planet is now shining and there was an enormous leap in humanity's consciousness. This has yet to be assimilated and humanity has to realign. This means that we are ready and cannot fall back. In a manner of speaking the train is going.

The road: We should not focus and hold on to the old collapsing structures, unless it is our job to assist in demasking them. We should rather concentrate on our golden future. It has already begun to develop, even if we do not notice the big parts of the changes, because they are taking place behind the curtain and with direct support of our galactic family. Besides, many occurrences will take place, which we will not be able to understand with the intellect, therefore we should do it with our hearts.

Let go of your reticence, spring into action and become the chauffeur of your own life.
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