Curriculum Vitae - Healer - Claudia Leandra König

Claudia Leandra König
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Curriculum Vitae

First Stage of Life
Studies in Munich: Diploma in Business  Administration; tax specialist; accounting specialist; Activity in tax  consultant offices and auditing firms in Munich
Second Stage of Life
Sabbatical of a Social Nature in Southeast Asia
Third Stage of Life
2-year assignment at an NGO/Relief Organization
Fourth Stage of Life
Coa ch for Spiritual Healing and Healer in Munich,
Author of several books (in german Language)

Fifth Stage of Life
Coach for Spiritual Healing and Healer in the Bavarian Forest; (Hetze) Engagement in Tanzania, Africa
Worldwide trainings in spiritual and health sector:

Ancient-Master-Healing, Autogenous Training, Bioenergy Therapist and Master of Bioenergy, Childcare Assistant, Crystal Master, Dance, Earthhealer, Element Initiation, Ella Kensington-Method, Fire Runner, Hypnosis, Intuition and Divinipotence, Kryon Channel Trainings, Kundalini-Reiki, Magnified Healing® Master Teacher, Massage, Meditation, Medicine-Buddha-Initiation by Tibetan Lama, NLP-Master: Method of Communication, Nutrition-Training, Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Reiki, Shamanism by Lakota and Nepal Tradition, Sound Massage with Singing Bowls, Tai Chi, Tantra, Theravada Buddhism, The Work, Water Shiatsu, Hatha Yoga, Lu Jong-Tibetan Healing Yoga and various other methods of healing. But her inexhaustible source of knowledge and wisdom is the contact with the spirits and the recollection of her own ancient knowledge.

Claudia Leandra sees herself as a bridge-builder

between the old and the new world that is just emerging. As a trainer for spiritual healing and the like, she delights participants with her competence as well as with her dry humor. Sharing her knowledge, skills and experience is very important to her.

She simply describes herself as a healer, because the health sector is her home, energy medicine makes her eyes shine and working with people inspires her. In addition, she says: I am what I am and we should forget the titles. After more than 17 years with this intensive activity, she is one of the pioneers in Germany and with the publication of Handbuch der Geistheiler (only in german language) she wrote a standard book that supports healers in Germany with their independence.
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