Legal Information
Program > Healing Circle

Claudia Leandra is no church and does not represent a certain religion or the like, either. She welcomes all those, who want to come, most cordially, no matter whether they have or do not have a religious denomination, regardless of their cultural belonging, of gender, nationality, marital status, sexual orientation or whatsoever.
Claudia Leandra is no medical doctor, no alternative practitioner, no therapist, no psychologist or the like.
The events take place in a group. Claudia Leandra does not hold meetings for individual persons. She is also grateful for your understanding that she does not answer emails etc.
Each participant attends the event on their own responsibility. Claudia Leandra is not liable for consequences of any nature whatsoever happening during, before or after the event.
Note on Spiritual Healing
Spiritual healing is not one of the recognized health professions. The training of a healer is nowhere supported and the very high costs, the healer has to pay alone. His performance is not included in the benefits catalog of any health insurance, the client has to pay the costs fully alone and does not even get them considered in his income tax return. That's the legal situation.
Spiritual healing is not one of the recognized health professions. The training of a healer is nowhere supported and the very high costs, the healer has to pay alone. His performance is not included in the benefits catalog of any health insurance, the client has to pay the costs fully alone and does not even get them considered in his income tax return. That's the legal situation.
Legal Mandatory Notice in Germany:

A spirit healer activates the self-healing powers by law. He replaces neither diagnosis and treatment by a doctor, non-medical practitioner, therapist, etc., nor does he diagnose himself or prescribe medication.