Claudia Leandra is a Healer.
Since 2001 she enjoys that work a lot. She has been working in the
Bavarian Forest since 2017, before she had a healing practice and was a
trainer in Munich. With her extraordinary talent to build a bridge
between the worlds she gives events for holistic, energetic methods in
healing for groups and individuals. You will learn how to help yourself
and receive healing impulses from the healing circles. Claudia Leandra
teaches and treats with professionalism, heart and human centered. Only
the healing circels are offered in english, if there is a wish. So please give a clue when you are interested. Thank you.
You are very Welcome!
Claudia Leandra is looking forward to your coming
What you can do aside from coming
and being joyful.
What may occur during or after
an event.
an event.
What you should know about
the event.
the event.