Impulse 18: Tolerance as a Bridge to Freedom - Healer - Claudia Leandra König

Claudia Leandra König
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Impulse 18: Tolerance as a Bridge to Freedom

The most important tolerance is the one towards yourself.
1. The convenient old Road
So far a countless number of groups and structures have “simplified” our way: They have told us, who or what is good or bad, for the most part enwrapped in a big package of regulations. This has been convenient, because we have not had to take over the responsibility for our own actions, for the articles of association etc. have told us what is right and what is wrong. It is remarkable, that the pattern of behaviour learned is only effective, when we have the appropriate knowledge. If – for example – we don't know the nationality or skin colour of the person we are communicating with per email only, we do not think about it. However, if we come to know it, we may be perturbed nonetheless. This is how people are steered and controlled and this is how loosers are made. Although we are all loosers in the end, for there are so many rule books that each human being is picked out in a jiffy in several of them.

2. Sign of the Times
The energies of the ascension, which are nothing else than love energies, are bringing a wind of change into the house of cards with our emotional world being cleared, too. Man realizes more and more that the imposed systems of rules restrict, segregate or dominate and control others and deems it unfair. Whether it be because of age, gender, skin colour, marital status, property, religion, education, number of children, nationality, state of health, sexual preferences etc. Although role models and group do not always exemplify through their own life what they teach or expect their members to do, which results in even more disgruntlement.

  • Possible negative reactions: vehemently clinging to the collapsing old value and classification system. The automatic and often fierce overreaction resulting from this can often induce a lack of power and can later on end in bewilderment as to our own and the other one's actions. We desperately try to function, for the previous defence mechanisms such as distraction or to disavow are no longer effective. If this is the case we may become thin-skinned and whiny.
  • This is what you can do: become aware of the fact that old patterns and conditionings are in effect, ask yourself if you still need them and let them go. Take a step back inwardly and thus get out of the events. Go into nature and put some daylight between yourself and the situation. Control your feelings and do not let yourself be controlled by them by allowing yourself to feel all the feelings, let them be with you and then let them go. Accept the fact that you would not like it either to have others impose their opinion onto you. Become your best friend and accept yourself the way you are and do not request others to be like you. Forgive yourself and others. To forgive does not mean to approve of the previous action. To forgive means to let go of our pain. You have my compassion. Be good to yourself and dare to take a new road, on which we all cherish each other. And: Say to you: I am love.

Consider all that we will be able to accomplish, if energy is no longer wasted for suppression. Enormously much, that's for sure.
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