Shadow Energies - Healer - Claudia Leandra König

Claudia Leandra König
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Shadow Energies

Information to terms.
1. Black Magic Acts
Those who work with dark energies will have noticed that some things do not work the way they did or as well as they did in the past. The reason for this is the ever increasing love energy flowing onto the Earth. Curses are still working, however, differently than in the past. A curse's effects are like having thrown a piece of paper into the air and then being hit by a frying pan which hurts you then. An example: If you are jealous of your neighbour's wealth and curse him, then you will loose money. If you do not have money or so much money, that you are not stressed by loosing money, energy will be withdrawn from your body. Should you be weakened at that moment, you could get sick. I'd rather not speak a curse or create other black magic energies any more. Mother Earth cannot absorb negative energies any longer. They immediately return. In this case it means that a great frustration can arise, as well, as you did not reach your goal and on top of that you are worse off than before. Please read also Dark Beings and Feelings.

2. Witch-Hunt
Who is a witch or a sorcerer? In simple terms: It is the person who says that it is another person – in most cases this person lives nearby. Example: Imagine you are angry because you lost your job. You will then see everything through glasses coloured by your anger no matter what you do. If you then see somebody in your dream or else, this person is quickly damned to be responsible for your job loss. However, the negative feelings have originated within you and not elsewhere. Better finish witches era and take responsibility for termination.

This is also true for children. They as well as adults may act out feelings that were made by others. Example: A client is arguing with a shop assistant which creates a negative energy field. If the child is the next client, it is possible that it feels the anger and gets angry, too. This takes place automatically. The person concerned is surprised at what is happening to him, as he was in a totally different mood a minute before.

If children show a different behaviour, this could be because of illnesses or handicaps or because they do not agree so well with adult medication. Child witches are impossible, as they are protected from negative energies especially by the spirits, as they do not yet have a protective shield. (Demonic) Possessions are impossible for anyone, as the energy field for this no longer exists.

There are also children who activated their talents from former lives. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (who was a German composer) was such a child. He could play wonderful music already as a child. Some people are scared by especially talented children. It would be better to be happy about it. It is a gift.
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