Impulse 4: Bartering, giving away for free and be happy
would a world without money be like with each one having his task which
fulfills him and he has everything that he wants? Let us wait and see
what kind of presents the future has in store for us. However, it is
possible even now to get something without money and to barter. This can
be seen in the privately organized projects of neighbourly help. In the
following there are ideas to give a trial and to have fun with it. |
1. Form a circle of friends of support (collect money on a private basis)
Look for people you can trust and form a community in which the members support themselves in case of an emergency. Define how often each member deposits which amount which is administered by the group management who will disburse money to the member in question in cases of an emergency. In order to prevent frictions it is recommended to determine basic conditions. Examples:
Look for people you can trust and form a community in which the members support themselves in case of an emergency. Define how often each member deposits which amount which is administered by the group management who will disburse money to the member in question in cases of an emergency. In order to prevent frictions it is recommended to determine basic conditions. Examples:
- Which amount is to be paid how often
- Are there any discounts as to the amount for certain groups or is everybody to pay the same amount?
- Determine the most possible outstanding payments
- Clearly define emergency: What is considered an emergency?
- Determine the highest possible amount of disbursement
- Determine the minimum time of membership which enables a member to get a disbursement
- How long at least do you still have to be a member after having received a disbursement
- Frequency of disbursement: how often in which period
- Determine a person of trust: Who collects the money from the members, where is i going to be deposited, are there to be two persons of trust who have to coordinate themselves and how often are these to be exchanged – by vote or by self-
determination? How is the disbursement going to be registered – with a signature on a list? Is the person of trust going to be paid for his/her work? - Who is liable for the deposited money?
- Meetings on a regular basis strengthen the sense of community
- If it is always the same member who asks for money even if he is a „freshman“ and always gets all he asks for – this could cause the sense of community to totter and will quickly dissolve the love.
2. Determine neighbourly „Property“ (lend out objects)
Look for people you can trust and form a community in which the members lend objects to each other. The purpose of this system is to utilize the material resources more to capacity, for each object is not needed at the same time by everybody and thus basic materials can be cut down. In order to prevent frictions it is recommended to determine basic conditions. Examples:
- Think about which of your objects you would lend out
- Make a plan, who lends out which object when (one person should do this for the entire group)
- The object in question is to be lent out in good order and condition
- Each lender handles the object with care
- In case of any damage originated during the lending out this is to be reported to the person who had lent it out at the return
- Is the object to be collected or delivered by the lender?
- Is it also possible to lend the object out for the rendering of a service, for example mowing the lawn or cleaning the windows
- If there is great trust among the members, the objects can be stored in a lockable assembly point to which each member has access
3. Festival of Presents (collect objects and give them away)
How many things do we really need and how many of them only lie around unused but which somebody else could really do with? Here you can say: „Letting go liberates you“ and „Giving brings joy“. Furthermore, we go easy on the resources. The festival of presents can be organized by one person who can involve others to help. You will need a place in which the donated objects can be stored. It is recommended to determine a framework so that you won't get surprises if certain objects are delivered.
- Determine the objects: used things in good order and condition like clothing, decoration, household articles, books, musical instruments, CDs, technical objects, toys, sport equipment, health necessities, pictures. Or exclude objects like for example perishables, pets, articles for hygienic use, very big things.
- Determine the day for the objects to be delivered (for example one day before the festival of presents) or on the same day
- Sort the donated objects by areas (household, leisure, books, children's things and so on)
- Offer the festival of presents to all people so that there will not be any marginalization
- Have the festival regularly so that it will become a firm institution, more and more will know about it and will make a contribution
- Organize a program? For example visitors bring coffee and cake, make music, dance, give lectures
4. Donations of Merchandise
Shop keepers can offer certain products for sale, for which clients pay but do not take with them. They leave them in the shop as donations so that a person in need can take them. Examples:
- A drugstore determines products and labels them that they can be donated. These goods will be paid by donators at the cashier and go into a box which is considered as a mini shop. Persons in need can then reach into the box. Determine how many goods a person can take at one go.
- A baker or a Café determines what can be donated. Then the receipt for the donation is put into an especially labeled box at the cashier or at the counter. A person in need can take the receipt and then gets the product donated. Thus a Cafè can give for example coffee and cake and have 2 boxes with the receipts for it at the counter or a baker can give a bread.
5. An organized System of Barter
Each of us has many talents which love to be lived. Establish a system of barter together with others, in which you can barter performance and products. Record all this on a barter list. Systems of barter only work when the members barter in both directions, that is give and take. Furthermore, each one has to come to terms with the fact that each hour has the same value, no matter what has been supplied. Impulses:
Model: Barter List (PDF-
Functions of the Administration:
- New entries must be documented and registered in the directory of members. Segmentation of the directory: membership number (the serial number of the directory); the beginning of membership (date of entry); first name, last name, address, telephone number, appellation of object of barter (which is what you offer), barter list checked on (insert date and adopt account balance), notes. Ask member to share changes.
- New entries should pay a minimum cash amount for the initial equipment (=barter list and provider list)
- Register exits in the directory of members and reclaim the barter list
- Establish a barter list and pass it on to the members
- Check the barter lists once a year as to calculation errors and whether the mutual bartering works
- Establish a provider list. Contents of this list: Last name, first name, address, telephone number, performance/products offered. Each member should have this list so that they know what is offered by whom.
- Mediate frictions among the members, if necessary appoint a second person for this
- Determine whether it is possible to give a good or performance of barter for free
- Determine the highest possible account balance (negative and assets). For if somebody only supplies something so that he can draw on the performance on others when he is retired, then this does not work, when the barter community does not exist anymore then.
- Determine what is to be done when somebody has lost his barter list or when a partner of barter refuses to sign
Regular Meetings bond
- Arrange open meetings at which the members can get to know each other and present their offer.
- Meeting for coffee and cake also as barter product
- Summer and winder flea market also as barter product