Impulse 25: Ending Negativity - Healer - Claudia Leandra König

Claudia Leandra König
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Impulse 25: Ending Negativity

“Be afraid of the boogeyman” and other phrases were thrown among the people in Western countries in order to spread fear. This formerly common phrase was used to influence children negatively in several directions. However, this did not work with me, because as a little girl I even sought the dark boogeyman. People with brown skin colour were particularly interesting for me. Later I knew why this was the case: I had many incarnations in Africa. The best thing is that we do not pay any more attention to negativity, for truth will find its way. But some human beings search for answers, therefore this article was written.
1. How it all began
Thousands of years ago the era of Atlantis ended. This signified the beginning of our awareness being reduced and of the dark age. Since then the dark beings have reigned by defining the rules and determining what we are to think. The tools they use is fear and turning the people against each other. The light has now dismissed these shadow governments, for Mother Earth is going into the light.

2. Making up scary Fairy-Tales
One of these countless tales is the invention of the devil, who has never existed personally or as an independent energy. It is rather the result of our own feelings: It is our dark side, f.e. hatred, revenge, greed. When we allow these feelings, a negative energy field is created and we commit bad actions. Doing this we have difficulties to discern between the feelings of our own and of other people. Therefore human beings are still prosecuted, because other people have negative feelings. In the process the persecutors simply shrug off the responsibility for their own feelings or their failures onto their victims and call these witch/witcher or something like that.

3. How does the Energy Flow work

Energy is like a ball being thrown into the air – it always comes back. So, when we create negative energy, it will come back to us. An Example: When we steal something, somebody may destroy our property and we may have to pay the cost for the repair or something like this. If you still wear the glasses of fear on your nose, everything will appear scary to you. Simply throw away the glasses. The game is over. For, because the love energy is flowing in, negative feelings are more and more decreasing. Positive energy transmutes negative energy.

4. Light into the Darkness
One single candle lights up a dark room. Whereas when you go into a bright room carrying a bag full of darkness, the room will not become dark, but the darkness in the bag will disappear. For light is always more powerful than darkness. In order to make progress we have to abolish taboos. For, when we forbid each other to talk about certain subjects, we will not be able to solve them, we will constantly chafe at them and suffer from that. Dying persons often regret what they have not done or said. Let us put an end to this, so that healing can be possible. Now.

Love is more powerful than everything!
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