Impulse 22: Searching for the Meaning of Life - Healer - Claudia Leandra König

Claudia Leandra König
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Impulse 22: Searching for the Meaning of Life

More and more human beings search for the meaning of life. This indicates that the awareness is expanding and that we begin to perceive us as oneness. In the process we reconsider our actions and non-actions, whether they are in harmony with everything.
1. You are the Centre   
Keep your focus on yourself, for you can only see the flowers in your garden when you are at home and when you do not centre somebody else. Trust in yourself. You are the greatest adventure of all time! The sadness that you feel is in reality your soul's yearning for fulfillment.

2. Take off rather than hold on    
You are the one you have always been waiting for. You are building a new world with your actions and your thoughts. You can see that from the fact how quickly thoughts already become reality. Stay with the flow and devoted and listen to your heart more and more, for the mind and its ego will decreasingly be able to do their job. Life is now taking place. Yesterday is a memory and tomorrow is written in the stars. Thus, it's up to you to live your life and not to dream.

3. Impulses for the search for meaning    
In each human being's opinion the meaning is something else and nobody will do your self-scrutiny for you. Thus assume responsibility and discover yourself. In the process let go of everything that does not make you happy. When we don't have alternatives or when we don't allow us to have them and when our freedom is restricted, everything seems to be meaningless to us. Then performance and joy decrease, frustration increases and mishaps are bound to come. Therefore: the more freedom a person has, the bigger his ambitions are. Possible parameters:

  • listening instead of patronizing
  • exemplifying instead of placating
  • sympathy instead of pity
  • being calm instead of hot-tempered
  • allowing joy instead of withholding it
  • cherishing oneself and others instead of being presumptuous or making oneself small
  • taking oneself and others seriously instead of sidetracking
  • being honest to oneself instead of talking down one's own needs
  • sharing knowledge instead of cheating
  • claim prospects or give prospects to oneself instead of chasing after phantoms
  • together instead of against each other  
  • forgiving instead of reproaching
  • thinking instead of simply adopting something
  • taking emotions seriously instead of only rationalizing
  • asking for what you need or giving it to yourself  instead of hoping the other one can guess it
  • being faithful to yourself instead of trying to suit everybody
  • refusing things that are not in harmony with you
  • love and once more love   
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